Hi all!!! I wanted to make a blog post for the longest time, but I wasn’t too sure on what topic, since I haven’t done anything with my dolls at all. It’s not like I don’t like them anymore, I just don’t feel like photographing them at the moment. And you know I can get quite silent with it too, as I have a hard time trying to play around with multiple hobbies at the same time.
I did, however, decided to sell all my BJDs. I do way less with them and they take much more space in general. I already sold most of them at the start of this year, only Peak’s Woods Leo and Bleater are left. I should also start selling all the BJD clothes I own, as I won’t have any use for them now.
I have been playing Final Fantasy XIV during this time (not so much lately since I’m just waiting on a new patch to come up), and I really like that it has it’s own system to take screenshots in game. It let’s you play with lighting, actions, change facial expressions and posing and a lot of neat features that are really fun. I’m even trying to make a photography studio in my in game apartment (there’s a lot of items you can do to achieve one, including studio lights).
I thought it might be fun to post some screenshots I’ve taken so this post doesn’t look so empty.
Do you play any games at the moment? I’d love to know!

The in-game photos look really neat. It’s pretty cool that they allow you to do this in-game. I don’t own this one yet. It’s on the Playstation right? Honestly, I find I don’t really play the console game as much as the PC games – I have almost finished Drgaonquest 11 – I have a few final bosses to go through but their dungeon levels always takes forever without enough save points so I tend to feel a lack of motivation to play.
Right now though, I am mostly playimg Grimdawn (hack ‘n’ slash dungeon crawl game). And Sims 4. I like to take photos in game with Sims 4 and I love the building aspect of it – I don’t tend to gameplay much though. Although there is a new expansion pack that recently came out that looks interesting so I will probably get that at some point.
It’s good to see you posting. I don’t think you should worry that this blog should only be about dolls. Post whatever you want on it. Blogs evolve and progress with our changing interests and hobbies. My problem is I have too many interests and hobbies I tend to juggle at the same time!!
Thanks!! I really love the Gpose mode in Final Fantasy XIV. The game is on Playstation 4 and also for PC, it’s a mmorpg though, so you play online with other players. I’ve always wanted to try Dragonquest games but I’ve never had any.
I remember your Sims photos, I’ve always liked them! I never tried it for myself though.
I’ll try to post more, but it’s hard to find something interesting to say. Final Fantasy has helped me distract from the mandatory lockdown and other problems that are happening in the world, while also letting me have some social interactions, so that’s what I tend to do the most on my free time besides reading.
Hi my friend! So happy you have come back to us once more Alejandra. 🙂
Those screen shots are really quite interesting and I could see them making fabulous backdrops to tell a photographic story with dolls. I’m sorry you are selling or have sold your BJD’s, but I guess there comes a time in all our lives when our interests change. However, you can still blog about those interests, you don’t have to stop blogging altogether simply because you’re dolls have lost their appeal.
I don’t play any computer games at all, my dolls (and my hubby) keep me far too busy, as it is I always run out of time to do the things I’d like to do.
Big hugs,
Hiiii!!!! BJDs are great and all, but I’ve always been more of the idea that if you aren’t using something it might be the moment to let it go. I rather sell the dolls to people who will pay atenttion to them rather than having them take up space in a closet. It took me a year to decide to actually do it, but I’m pretty sure that it has to be done. I’ll still be able to take photos of my pure neemos and Momokos whenever I feel like playing with dolls again; in the meantime I can still enjoy taking photos in game.
You and your husband always seem like such a cool couple, and ofc I love seeing your doll projects!
¡Hola Alejandra!
Hacía mucho tiempo que no publicabas, ahora entiendo porqué tampoco has actualizado tu Instagram desde hace meses. Una pena que hayas decidido vender a tus BJD’s, aunque te entiendo perfectamente. Mis prioridades también han cambiado y desde hace un par de años que ya no les hago caso a los míos. No los he vendido ni tengo pensado hacerlo, pero ya no me motiva fotografiarles. ¡Incluso dejé de ir a eventos!
Las capturas son muy bonitas. No he jugado a ningún juego de Final Fantasy, pero me llaman mucho la atención. En realidad no tengo una videoconsola para poder jugar a juegos que me llaman la atención, como los de Zelda o Dragon Quests.
Y como ya te han comentado, publica lo que quieras, es tu blog y tú decides de lo que quieres hablar.
Saludos ^^
Gracias! Trataré de publicar más a menudo pero la verdad no tengo nada interesante que contar. Final Fantasy XIV es un juego online, a mí me encantan todos los Final Fantasy la verdad, pero en tiempos de pandemia está bueno tener alguna interacción social, aunque sea por un juego, se conoce a mucha gente de todas partes del mundo, así mismo como con los blogs jajaja.
Las prioridades y los gustos siempre están cambiando, y eso está bien. El que no te deshagas de tus BJDs me parece apropiado también. Sólo por el hecho que no te motive fotografiarlos, no significa que ya no te gusten. En mi caso como no los puedo tener a la vista, si no me dan ganas de fotografiarles no me hace sentido tenerles en el clóset. Me siguen gustando las BJDs pero la verdad no quiero tenerlas en casa. Me sivierrte mucho más abrir una caja con una muñeca ya lista para fotografiar, como es el caso de las pure neemos, Licca, Momokos, etc.
Espero que estés muy bien!
These are very nice photos, I love the characters in them, they’re so well created.
Thanks!!! They are mostly my own character, that I’ve changed a few times and my friend’s (who’s constantly changing his).
Hellooooo! Long time no see, or something like that. Good to see you post again and I hope all is fine with you! Those pictures from the game are wonderful, it almost makes me want to play too. I mostly have some simple apps on my smart phone and play on those. I am not so much into games on the computer or on the TV. But, as I have not tried, what do I know about that! ;D Enjoy your summer!
Hello!!! Glad to see you here! To be honest, It’s winter here hahaha and it’s ranining A LOT, it hadn’t rain this much since the 90s, when I was a kid, no kidding!
Phone games can be fun, but I love the more complex social interactions I get from bigger online games 🙂
Hi there! It’s good to see you again here. 🙂
Sometimes you just need a break, even from a hobby. 😉
I dont play games but I like screens you showed.
Thanks!! Hello there o/!!!!
I’ts been a long break I suppose, I love my dolls just the same amount, the ones that are left, that is hehe