And on the topic of feeling blessed, here’s Ailene wearing the blue scarf Alasse sent me. Doesn’t this color suit her perfectly?
We often think of what we want to achieve or what our dreams are, but once we have achieved them, we tend to move onto the next thing and forget they were once just dreams. Or that’s what happens to me anyways.
I was thinking the other day how lucky we all are in this hobby. I clearly remember when just the thought of owning one BJD was not even a dream, but something totally impossible!
And then when getting just one doll didn’t seem so impossible, thinking how amazing it would be if I could do their face ups and customize dolls and take pretty photos, but no, that could never happen right?
We all have been there I imagine. I’m in awe when I think about it now, but it didn’t occur to me until recently. I AM doing face ups and customizing dolls and taking photos, most of those things I thought were impossible for me.
I grow and get better slowly at most everything, but I feel this year I have grown more in this hobby than all the other years combined. I’m also happier with my photos and excited to paint new dolls in the future.
I know this is a small and pretty much pointless post, but I wanted to start this week on a positive note. Hope you all have an amazing week!
I don’t think this is a pointless post at all. It’s a very thought provoking post and I am glad you shared it on your blog.
Like you, there was a time I didn’t think I would ever be able to own a BJD, much less own more than one of them! It makes you think, maybe, the impossible is possible, it just might take a little longer to get there. I also believe this hobby encourages creativity and in turn attracts a lot of creative people and people who didn’t think they were very creative end up finding out that they are once they enter the hobby. It brings people together and it teases out the things that we thought we could never do and forces us to discover that anything is possible. All it requires is a little bit of determination and faith in ourselves.
I also agree that Ailene looks great in blue. I don’t know what it is but this colour brings out something quite magical in her expression. But then, I’ve always been of the thought that Ailene looks good in anything. and any colour. She just seems to be able to adapt and make colours and styles work for her. Such a clever little thing.
Thanks! While I agree Ailene looks great in every color, I think there’s something about the blue that agrees with her even more. Might need to shop for blue clothes 😀
I’m glad you liked my post and made you think about it, I am very thankful with this hobby. Sometimes I teng to think I haven’t accomplished much in my life, but I have to remember that things that seem so normal now were once dreams 🙂
The impossible is possible
I agree, that it’s healthy to stop up and be grateful for the things, we do have achieved!
We’ve all come so far.
I remember thinking “there’s no way I could ever afford this hobby” and “I would never dare to talk to doll owners” haha. I was sure people wouldn’t want me to be in the hobby back then 😉 But I have even started talking to one of the people I found intimidating more than once. I keep learning all people are just that… people. No matter how “cool” I find someone, in a way they’re just like you and me. Just a different human being, but still flawed and real. I like that way of thinking.
Thank you for this post! It reminded me that in many ways I -have- already succeed. 🙂
I’m glad you are talking with people you found intimidating at first! I bet they are sweethearts :D!!We all share the same interest, and as you say, theya re just like you and me so I hope you talk with everyone you want to talk in the end 🙂
We all have different paces, but we all have accomplished so much. Imagine the future possibilities! I’m so proud of all of us!
I’m glad this post reminded you of something important. You are a winner in my book!
You are so right. So many things seem impossible when one start, but then looking back one can have improved so much.
I personally love your faceups, and think you have improved so much!!!
Thank you for this post, because it is an encouragement that we all need 😀
No problem!!! It was just soemthing I spent my weekend thinking (I don’t only complain about the weather hahaha).
You always encourage me to keep doing things, my scarf is half done thanks to you! I was ready to throw the yarn across the street XD
I’m happy I found this hobby and the people in it.
So true!
It really is amazing how far you come and how fast you grow in this hobby.
I feel like the hobby has also shown me some sides of myself that I might otherwise have never known or been able to develop further.
Having BJDs is awesome in every possible way! 😀
Totally awesome!!! They might be creepy to some, but I wouldn’t change this hobby for anything 🙂
Wonderful shared thoughts Alejandra. I think we all have similar thoughts from time to time and often think we are alone with these thoughts and doubts in our own abilities. I am so thankful for being introduced to BJD’s by someone quite by chance. I really love this hobby, but it’s opened up a real “Pandora’s Box” that I cannot shut the lid on, it’s turned out to be the most compulsive hobby I have ever had!!
However, in regards to the creative side of the hobby, there is something to be said for the old adage: “What the mind of man can conceive and believe … it can achieve.” YOU HAVE PROVED IT TO BE TRUE, WELL DONE!!
I’m glad you think the same! I feel super grateful too and so happy with this hobby. There are ups and downs but I’d say is mostly ups.
So happy we both found about dolls and about each other thanks to this hobby too, I just love everything you do with and for your dolls. Can’t wait to read more of your amazing stories!
I totally agree with you on those dreams, it’s harder to look back on positive things as negative things tend to stand out more. However I do love remembering those times when we thought all of these dreams seemed impossible, it gives us a new perspective, don’t you think? We should appreciate the things we enjoy more~~
Let’s enjoy this hobby together!
I think so too! And I hope this post makes people think of all the good things we tend to take for granted in this hobby. And life in general, there’s so many other things we might have accomplished and never gave ourselves a “well done!”.
So happy I can enjoy this hobby in such great company!
I don’t think it’s pointless. I think it’s a beautiful reminder! I’m sure we have all been there too, as well as forgetting sometimes the journey to get here! 🙂
Yeah exactly!!! Well I thought it was kinda pointless because it doesn’t have any useful info XD
Love seeing other peoplés journeys in this hobby!
Nothing pointless with this post! I could not agree more, it is time to stop and smell the roses as they say. And be happy about the things we are surrounded by. I remember when I started to look and save for my first doll – it was so exciting and fun and it felt like Christmas when she arrived. Then this happened two more times and the joy was the same. Even if this hobby goes up and down – sometimes you have time and other times not. I am glad that I have my dolls and that I can play with them. It is good to be reminded about this, dreams can become true!
Thank you Niina!! I’m glad you agree. We kinda posted some thoughtful insights in our blogs so close to each other haha! it does makes you think 🙂
Absolutely not a pointless post. Actually one of the major philosophical things in life as it doesn’t refer to this hobby only, but actually to almost everything.
There is a good parable for this, It’s like we’re all climbing mountains. First we take the necessary preparations, learn about what kind of equipment we need, which route to choose, etc. and then we start the actual walk or climbing. At first it seems difficult, looking how big the mountain is we are in awe and don’t think that we’ll ever reach the top. But then we take the first steps, they are difficult, but we move on. The first obstacles are terrible (and many people already give up on them), but if we manage to get over them we make a big progress. After a time, we already know how to deal with all kinds of obstacles that come along our path and even though the route gets steeper, we have also grown and don’t perceive them as that difficult anymore. And if we keep on going, we’ll reach the top eventually.
See and here is where the funny thing is. I have heard of people who then, at the top of the mountain, could enjoy the view, be proud of themselves for what they did accomplish and simply be in peace with themselves. Well I, I couldn’t. Truth is, even before I reach the top, once I’m over that point where I know that I will now reach my aim no matter what, I’m already making plans in my head for the next even higher mountain.
Maybe we should all just learn to enjoy more what we have and be proud of what we achieved.
That’s a very good parable indeed!!! I agree, we should all stop and enjoy the view once in a while and be grateful.
Thank you for your words.