Hello again! Hope you had a great weekend and you started the new week on the right foot. As for me, I’m very happy to say I finally finished painting my Junia on Friday and I also painted both Shiny Fairy May and Peak’s Woods Sassy Rosy on Saturday. I was going to post all the progress for May and Rosy’s face ups here in the blog, but I’m not sure what happened with my computer today that I lost all the photos I took over the weekend, including all the photos I took today of the dolls all done.
I’m kind of sad I lost all the photos, but I hope I can retake some of them soon and they will be better than before. Of course it’s impossible to take face up progress photos now because I can’t go back in time, but at least I savaged one photo I took today because I had it opened in Photoshop for the magazine tag. In the meantime you will have to bear with me while I can take more photos and show you the rest of the face ups.
I’m happy that finally all my dolls are painted, and though they all have mistakes and irregularities I can work with all of them in photos now. I’m not too convinced on May’s face up, but I ran out of airbrush cleaner so any changes will have to wait. And who knows, maybe the face up will grow on me.
Anyways, to celebrate 17 years of the modern BJD, Xanadu thought of a great idea to share the love for the hobby. So here are the rules of her tag:
1. You need to think of a name for your magazine.
2. Choose a theme (it can be Halloween or something completely different).
3. Take an appropriate photo using your own BJD’s.
4. Use your own editing program (let us know which one you used).
5. Most of all . . . have fun!
And here’s my cover, with Frida, the fairy of the forest making her first appearance:

Not sure why wordpress resizing makes the quality so bad, but you can click on the photo for full size
As you can see, I chose a magical theme for my magazine, where you can find all kind of information from what to do if you find a fairy to recipes for potions and enchantments.
I used Adobe Photoshop for the edition of the cover and called my magazine Magica.
I uploaded the unedited photo to Flickr, so I can show it here too:
Hope you guys like how my girl looks. I’m quite happy with the result. If I ever get better at face ups, I will probably re do it with the same colors and style because I couldn’t imagine her looking any other way now.
Have an amazing week!
Frida is stunning!!! I love her color scheme she is so gorgeous!!
Sad to read about the photos, though D: I loved your faceup progress, but oh well. I can’t wait to see Sassy Rose and May!!
I’m really happy you like her colors, I was so unsure about everything at first!! starting from the tan skin to the green eye shadow, but now she’s ready so I’m happy it all worked out.
I’m sure they will be more opportunities in the future for face up progress!~ if I don’t get new dolls I might just repaint these ones haha. For now I don’t have airbrush cleaner, but I plan to buy more next year.
I’m hoping to post the other 2 girls soonish 🙂 if not here, on instagram first.
She looks really cute! 😀
It must be really frustrating to have lost all the photos. I hope you are able to take even better photos of your finished girls.
And what a fun tag. It’s really creative. I love your magasin cover – I want to read the magasin now.
Thank you!! I already assumed them lost so I moved onto planning how to make the photos look better this time 😀
You should make the tag too!!! It was super fun to make, and you could make a magazine that is relevant in your universe, that would be so cool!
That sounds like a good way to go about it. Then if they suddenly come back then that i’s nice, but you are not betting on it to happen. I hope you take new photos real soon 😛 I’m excited to see your girls 😀
I’ll probably try to make the tag then, but I really have no idea which direction to go about it. But let’s see if I can come up with anything.
She’s so cute! I love Frida (and the name is perfect in my opinion)
It’s a shame you lost your photos 🙁 <3
Great magazine cover! I wish I had those skills, but I doubt I could make one 😛
Thank you 😀 I love the name Frida so much!! I’m already over the lost photos haha.
I’m sure you have enough skills to make a gorgeous magazine cover too 😉 don’t sell yourself too short!
She looks adorable and I like her colors! And the magazine cover is amazing! I would love to read this one! 🙂
Thanks!!! I would love to read it too but not write it hahaha
Ooooh I love the idea you ran with for the magazine meme. I’m very curious about some of those magazine articles particularly those glowing flowers. Now they could have a lot of magical potential!
I know I’ve already told you this but I still can’t stop looking at your girl. She looks so amazing. Digging the wig colour and face up colours a lot. She definitely has that fantasy vibe going on. And I noticed you said in your post when you get better at face ups, you were thinking of redoing the face but can I say, you ARE already good at face ups. I really like your use of colours and their combinations. You are already inspiring me to try and bring my fantasy characters to life in my dolls. It’s what I’ve always wanted to do with my dolls but could never find the outfits I needed. I am really in awe that you’ve ran with the fantasy theme and didn’t back down or settle for anything less. I admire that a lot about you. I gave up so quickly on my fantasy characters because I just couldn’t afford the outfits or afford to commission them to be made but you always stuck to your guns and made it happen. My hat is off to you.
Haha I’d love to know more about those flowers too!! Are they real? Maybe Fiyero knows the truth, He has lived in the Rocky Mountains all his life!
You are very kind and your words mean a lot to me!!! I wish I could show you up close all the troubles I still have making eyebrows and lashes, but it’s okay, they look fine from a distance. I do want to improve that and re do all my dolls someday, I’m no where near the quality of people who charge for face ups (not too interested in getting there either, I doubt I would ever accept commissions, but who knows haha).
Fantasy clothing is so hard to find and so expensive too, I can see why you would decide not to go that route. I still struggle finding clothes so as you can see most my fantasy dolls are going around semi naked haha, and that’s okay too! I think they are finally working how they are suppose to, even if the lack in clothes. It took me so long to get to this point, and I hope it gets better!! Hope you can bring more fantasy into your crew, I’d love to see that and all the things you will create for them, I truly admire you! You inspire me too <3
Hi Alejandra,
Why am I not surprised at the theme you chose for your magazine, as you know fantasy is my favourite topic, it’s perfect! Of course Frida was the right choice for the cover too. Your faceups are very professional, so don’t ever sell yourself short. Pity about the progress photos, but look on the bright side, there will always be a next doll to do one. 🙂
Hope you are keeping well.
Thank you so much!!! I’m glad you liked my magazine, after all, you started this awesome tag!
And I’m okay about the photos, you are absolutely right, there will be plenty of opportunities for progress photos in the future 😀
I love the color scheme you’ve used here with the lavender and turquoise~~ great combo ~ You’re so talented and you could probably start taking commissions! ~
Thanks! Loving this color combo now :D~ You flatter me so much!!! I’m still in the phase that face ups stress me so much that I hate doing them hahaha so commissions is something out of the question, but I’m glad you think I could do that!
Oh my gosh! I totally missed this! It came out so awesome!! <333
Thanks!! it was fun to make as well, you should do it too!
I did it on Instagram actually. But I should make a post for it.
Oh nice!