I think I’ve been a bit absent in my own blog and I apologize. I’ve been very busy lately with christmas shopping and extra work. And I also have been a bit disappointed with the hobby, I’ll tell you why in a second, but first I’ll explaing the creepy bowl with heads from the header XD.

Because one creepy bowl of heads photo wasn’t enough lol
I finally got time to arrange my room to make space for face ups! I was hoping to have started painting Leo today, but then I remembered I wanted to wipe all of Onyx pieces so I can try to sell her blank. And oh boy, that took me hours! The hardest were the Vesuvia shoes. And it seemed like She knew I was going to sell her off because all her spikes kept pinching me. I didn’t realize before how many She had untill all of her pieces attacked me: shoes, half the tail pieces and the long nails. That nose could also be a murder weapon XD. I decided to put her up for sale on DoA, so let’s see how that goes. But before that I have to go to the postal office so they can give me an approximate on shipping costs and I also need an outer box. The other head in the photos is the practice head.
Now what happened was that I made an order to Leeke for Ailene’s and Leo’s wigs and I was very excited about it. It took almost 2 months for them to send me the wigs and they arrived together with my Mako eyes. But most of my order was wrong: the pre order wig I was so in love with was the ugliest color I’ve ever seen and it was one size too big, same as Leo’s wig. The third wig is the one I used in the Mako eyes review, and it was an okay wig, but it had some issues. So I still haven’t found a proper wig for Leo, I wanted grey, but so far all I could get was a white one from Crobi, that should be arrive soon.
Since I had to send the 2 wrong wigs back to Leeke and they still haven’t received them, I can’t make a proper review. And honestly? I’m not looking forward to doing such a negative review. I could skip it, but I asked in my local community and so many people have had problems with Leeke that I prefer to put it out there. I know people say their wigs are hit or miss, but since I had no problems the first time I bought from them, I thought it was safe to give it another try. But now I don’t think I’ll be buying from them, I just want my money back. It’s a pity because they have so many styles and colors.
So I did an emergency wig shopping at Crobi. I chose Crobi because I wanted to change a bit the look of Hana, and they had the style I wanted. I’m really excited for her change of look, I really hope it works out because I really like her current face up, but I need to fix the eyebrows for the new look and I can try to do better lower eyelashes on her. I’ll be wiping her current face up right after I’m done painting Leo. I also want to properly fix the tummy issue in Serafina’s blushing, but I’ll be repainting only that piece, the rest is staying the same.
I also plan to change the blog layout eventually, since I finally found a template that has everything I wanted. The only problem is that I need better horizontal photos, so I have to take some.
I’ll be doing the Year balance post soon, though I think I did horribly this year in the hobby haha, but at least everything is clean for tomorrow.
I’m really sorry to hear of your problems with Leekeworld. I was a bit wary when I ordered some wigs from them recently because of some of the bad feedback I had seen about them. I’ve only ever ordered from them twice, the first time was over two years ago and the second time was just this past week. I do agree with you. I wish there was a bjd dedicated wig seller that had a lot of variety and colours. The colours is the thing for me as well. I like colourful wigs and two tone wigs and even triple tone wigs and they are usually hard to find and in the style I want.
Let us know your thoughts on the Crobidoll wig. I haven’t ordered from them in a long time. I think it was three, maybe four years ago I ordered wigs from them and it took over a month and the wigs (7-8inch) were a bit big on my dolls who wore 7-8inch wigs. I’d be interested to hear how they are now. I do remember the quality of their wigs was quite nice.
Good luck with the sale!
I am afraid I am in the same boat with the year balance for myself. My biggest desire was to work more on Dioramas this year as I had a lot more free time but as per usual, the year kind of sped past so quickly that I didn’t do nearly half the things I wanted to!
Thanks. I’m so glad you didn’t have problems ordering from Leeke! Returning goods with my oh so trustworthy postal service is nervewracking x.x….
I think Crobi gets their wigs from For my doll since they offer they exact same colors, just different name. Some styles are the same and some different though. I wasn’t planning on making a review of their wigs, but I’ll do it for you :D!
Thanks I hope I sell her. I wish I could just sell her in my local community but that’s not happening XD.
Sorry to hear about your problems with Leekeworld :/ I’ve ordered from them multiple times, the issues I’ve had have been minimal and even then the buying experience ended up being positive since Leeke has been very helpful. That being said, I’ve had heard that many people have had problems with their wigs, but I still hope their going to fix things for you! Looking forward to your review, it’s always good to hear about people’s experiences – especially if they’re negative, as I think it’s important to know about possible issues there might be and how the company would deal with them.
Also, good luck with the sale of your Onyx! I’m a bit sad to hear you’ve decided to let her go, but hope you’ll find her a good new home 🙂
I think the biggest problem Leeke has is sending the wrong sizes. In my case if they fail to send the size I ordered I can’t use the wigs, since I don’t have that many dolls to choose from. At first they only offered a refund if I sent the wigs back, but once I gave them the tracker number they asked if I wanted for them to resend the correct sizes, but I’d prefer the refund at this moment tbh.
I know you like Onyx and I love the sculpt too! I just don’t know what to do with her so it’s best to give her a proper home 😀 I’m a bit scared of putting her up for sale on Doa, but I hope there won’t be any trouble (I don’t have feedback as a seller x.x…. I should try and sell my Super Gem dresses too, if only to get reputation XD)
Hi Alejandra,
I really feel for you, it’s awful when you wait so long for things to be delivered and find when they arrive, you’ve received the wrong thing, or something that’s not up to par. I think it’s good to air your thoughts so others can be forwarned.
Do you find soaking the faceplates is the best way to remove face ups? What do you soak them in?
Oh no, I use Winsor & Newton brush cleaner to remove face ups, but I wouldn’t soak them in it, I use a cotton ball to rub it in the heads and when there’s no more paint on them I soak them in water with dish soap, so that’s what you see in the photos: regular dish soap with no moisturizing or any other weird feature.
You could also soak them in Winsor & Newton. I watched a video not too long ago when someone did that for hours and the resin was just fine after. I prefer not to since I like playing it safe haha, and besides it’s not easy to get the brush cleaner here, I have to get it online so I have to use it wisely to not run out fast.
I totally missed this post!
It is nice that you put Vesuvia on DoA, I do hope she sells fast! And hope that you will receive news from LeekeWorld and their wigs soon, too. I know sometimes things are discouraging inside the hobby, but be strong!
And regarding Faolan’s (Leo’s) wig I personally love the white, but if you need gray, go ahead! Hope you will find some nice wig. Have you tried Luts?
It’s okay I miss posts from time to time as well 🙂
I think I’ll be putting her in january since I still haven’t gone to the postal office for a shipping quote. About Leeke, the wigs already arrived to them so the whole thing is ressolved now but I don’t want to finish this year or start the next with a negative post haha so I’ll be delaying that review, though now that everything is solved I don’t think that it will be that bad.
I checked LKuts at least 2 times but it doesn’t hurt to re check :)!!! For now I’m content with the white wig I have and there’s another in the post office so I’m good at the moment. I think white worked fine in the end.
Sorry to hear about your Leeke order. I’ve also decided not to order from them again, because I find many of their wigs are poorly done (like – even in the photos you can see a lot of them shows the wigcap and has sparce hair too many places). Sad, but when you are paying a nice price for a wig – the quality should really match up. I have two Leeke wigs I use for my little Alice – but they are a little big in their sizes so the wig always flops about on her head XD’
Your cleaning project looks nice. I haven’t had a chance to work with W&N cleaner, since its not legal to sell in EU (because of chemical-reasons) hehe
It seems nice to work with though – and you wont need as much elbow grease as one needs with isopropyl alchohol. ;P
I’m crossing my fingers for you that you’ll be able to find a nice buyer for your Vesuvia. She is a gorgeous sculpt and that tale is amazing – but I think it would be nice if you’d have her out of your hair ;D
I always feel bad, when I have dolls lying around that I don’t want – because they are still pretty and nice – so you want them to have a nice new home where they’ll be loved and appreciated. ^^
I’m very excited to see your projects all done. And can’t wait to read your year-review post ;D
Thanks!!! I’m sorry to hear that you have had problems with Leeke too, it’s such a pity because they have such a wide range of colors and styles right? Oh well.
W&N is awesome, it takes the color so easily compared to any other method I’ve tried. It’s kinda oily, that’s why after getting the head on running water for a while I leave them on dish soap for a while before rinsing again.
Thanks for all the nice wishes!
I’ve never actually ordered anything directly from Leeke, but I do have many of their wigs through DDE. I know how frustrating it can be however, when you come across issues. I’m sorry to hear about that.
My year was pretty slow too, and my blog was quiet during the holidays. No worries though! I enjoy seeing your posts, and photos. Plus it’s always nice to have some time for yourself. 🙂
It’s nice to have a fresh start, and clean doll bods as well. XD Good luck with your updates! Can’t wait to check back in!
Thanks!!!C I should take my time and clean my doll bodies as well, since I have all ready haha XD
I find that Leeke has had a lots of problems with their wigs for long time, that’s the main reason I haven’t bought any of their wigs for long time, even tough I’ve really liked many of them. I should also clean most of my dolls. ^^; Somehow that’s not the favourite thing to do and suddenly they’re all dirty and sloppy and need cleaning and swithcing the stringing.
Hahaha yes, for a lazy person like me cleaning an entire doll it’s hard too haha but it’s something we have to do once in a while 😀
Sorry to hear about your Leeke issues, I had lots of quality issues with them in the past. ~ hope you can get the right wigs ASAP!
I love pics of dolls in progress for some reason, and your photos are always gorgeous x3 no matter if they are only blank head pieces!
Thank you :D!!!! Well they did refund me for the 2 wigs after they received them back, but I used the money on mako eyes for the last 2 dolls that were using glass xD