Yes!! I’m alive XD!! It’s been a long time without posting and what saddens me a bit is that I didn’t fullfill my “one photo a month” challenge, since I already skipped like 3? But the important thing is that I’m back and well.
I was going to start with another post about something else, but I decided to answer this tag because of the lovely Xanadu and Musume, so here it goes!
1. Do you collect anything other than dolls?
I don’t think anything I own can be considered a collection. Maybe books? I used to buy a lot of books before, but since I got a kindle for christmas, I’ve been reading there instead. Maybe I could say I collect nail polishes, since I’m always buying those, I love pretty nails.
2. Why did you start a doll blog?
I got to know about BJDs because of other people’s pages. Back then it was more common for a person to have a website with their doll collections, so I always wanted to do that once I got to get my first doll. But then those websites started dying and no one does that anymore I think? I also had blogs in the past about different things, so I thought I could manage to do one for my dolls instead of a dedicated website. It took me a few years to finally do it though.
3. Do you have one particular doll that is the favourite in your collection?
I’d love to say no, but I do haha. I think my forever favorite has to be my tan skin Dia, Lucas. I love that sculpt so much, I think everyone knows I’m obsessed by now XD I do love all my dolls, but He has a very special place in my heart.
4. Your favourite doll accessory?
I love doll shoes the most, but I never get to photograph any of my dolls wearing them. I mean, they do wear them, it’s just you can’t tell in the photos.
5. Do you know exactly how many dolls you have in your collection (you don’t have to tell the number of course)?
I have 6 full dolls, but I’m still trying to sell one of them.
6. Do you play any instruments and if so, what?
When I was little I wanted to play the piano, but I never got a chance to do it, so no, I don’t play any instrument.
7. Where is your most favourite place you’ve ever been?
I haven’t been to many places really, and I’ve never have traveled to other countries. I do love Isla Negra, a place near the beach I went when I was little a few times. We stayed in a house that had a door on the back that lead to a small forest full of eucalyptus, so it was kind of magical, though I fell once and had my arms covered in bruises lol. In Isla Negra there’s also one of Pablo Neruda’s houses, which is now a museum and it’s really awesome to visit. I don’t post any pictures because I don’t have any that belongs to me, sorry.
8. What is your most favourite thing about yourself?
I think I like the way I’m always trying to be a better person. I can’t say I’m a great person or anything, but at least I’m trying to improve every day.
9. Favourite book or movie?
I can’t choose only one book really. I absolutely love “Daughter of the forest”, the first book from a trilogy by Juliet Marillier that has inspired me so much, specialy with my dolls. But I also love “The name of the Wind”, by Patrick Rothfuss, because it’s so well written and the story is so unique considering the genre it’s in.
For movies I love “Beauty and the Beast” by Disney.
10. If you could design your own doll, what would it look like?
I don’t think I’ve ever even considered the possibility, so I pass on this one.
I won’t tag anyone because I’m not to sure who could I tag, I always feel weird tagging people.
Great to see you making a post again, hope you are doing well
I’ve been missing your photos too~
Yes, I’m glad to be back, I was feeling a little blue and didn’t want to do anything with my dolls, but I hope I get to take more photos of them in the spring
right now is raining and there’s been a lot of problems with the electricity because of that too
Oh Alejandra, I am so happy to see you back blogging again, I really enjoyed reading your answers. Interesting that we both wanted to play the piano.
Now don’t you go away again.
I thought it was interesting too, I don’t know why I wanted to lay the piano, it must look really intimidating for a kid ahaha, I love that you wanted it too!
I’ll try to stay for good this time
Nice to see you are blogging again!!! Thanks for doing the tag, I loved to read your answers ^^
Hope to read more from you soon!!
Thank you for tagging me, I’m reading your answers right now
I’ll try to post again soon!
Yay for updates!
Nice to see you here again!
I have the same problem, I buy all these nice shoes yet they somehow hardly ever end up in my photos x)
I think a person who wants to improve him or herself is the best kind of person – isn’t that one of the final goals of living? I imagine in a perfect future everyone in the world can focus only on self-improvement.
Thank you for the book recommendations :3 I’ll go check them out!
I agree with you and I think everyone should realize at some point the need of better themselves. I hope they all do anyways!
Thank you for your nice words!
I left a rather long comment on this yesterday but for some reason it didn’t go through.
I’m glad you did this meme. I do remember the days when everyone used websites instead of blogs. What a shame that has changed.
I love Beauty and the Beast too. It has some really poignant songs. The Sevenwaters trilogy was a great book although I wasn’t as impressed with Heir to Sevenwaters (I don’t know if that one was classified as the 4th book or a stand-alone).
I’m sorry that you had trouble with the comments, it happens to me too on other blogs.
I always miss the doll websites, it was really cool.
I haven’t read Heir to Sevenwaters because they never translated it to spanish, but now that I have a kindle I can just buy it in english if available. I think it was a stand-alone book with the same geographic placement as the trilogy, but I’m not too sure.
Beauty and the Beast is just the best
Thanks for commenting!
I know I’ve mentioned it already on my reply to your comment on my blog but it is really good to see you blogging again. I had been wondering where you had got to and hoped everything was okay.
I’m thinking maybe my comment may have been too long and went over the word limit? Do comments even have word limits?
I don’t think there’s a word limit, unless you install a plug in for that, but I haven’t, so I’m not sure what could be the problem. I’ll try looking around
Lovely to read this post. I have made this meme too, it was fun!
I’ll go check it out then
I was going to answer doll shoes as well, haahaa. I love them too! Maybe we’ll both learn a bit of piano one day.
Shoes are the best, so tiny and realistic

Maybe we will
WB ^^ It’s always nice to see you blogging.
I’m also slowly getting into nail polish. It’s really fun and relaxing
Your tan skin Dia is gorgeous, so I completely understand ;D
Shoes! Oh how I love dollie shoes too. ;w; Especially heels for SD16 or similar dolls. Those kinds of shoes are so elegant and there is such a variety of them on Taobao. <3 I love shoes.
Isla Negra sounds amazing. I would love to visit there someday!
Yay, for becoming a better person! It's such a battle, but imo it's worth it!
Yes, nail polish is a “me time” I love and it relaxes me too
SD16 shoes are the best, so much to choose from, specially high heels.
Hope you get to visit Isla negra someday too~
Thanks for your kind words, will keep trying to be better, I agree it’s totally worth it!