Happy mail

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The mysterious parcel is revealed!! I mentioned in my previous post that I received a package that got me very happy. And how can I not be happy when I’m spoiled by friends in this hobby!

Irene sent me a parcel sometime ago, and luckily this time arrived quite fast comparing to the last one. I’m always so happy to receive letters and Irene is so generous and kind every single time.


Look at all the goodies!! She even got me the black shoes I mentioned in my review that I wanted from taobao! and aren’t those jumpers the cutest? I also got some really nice crafting supplies and ribbons and a letter that made me feel nice.

And since I wanted to show off the new clothes, I took some pictures. They didn’t turn out great because of the weather (and I set the ISO to 800 to get some light!), but you can still see how cute Ailene and Faolan look!


They aren’t supposed to even know each other at this point so this is a very rare occasion! Faolan looks fabulous! it makes me want to keep him like this forever, He’s the hardest to dress.

I also got tagged on instagram for the black and white challenge and I’m surprised I did it so fast to be honest. I picked my Ashes, even though He’s blank. Instagram cropped my photo a bit, but here’s the original:


LOVE how the background turned out so I will be using it again in the future.

Thank you all for always being so nice, have a great week!

18 thoughts on “Happy mail

  1. Xanadu

    Lucky you Alejandra! Irene’s been extremely generous this week. 🙂

    Must say the outfits suit Ailene and Faolan perfectly, I really love them both and they look very sweet coupled together like that.

    Congrats on being tagged on Instagram, though I don’t know much about it. (Have never used Instagram.)
    Enjoy your week.

    1. Fantasywoods Post author

      Thanks!! I do feel very lucky :)!
      Being tagged is nothing special, is just like blogs tags haha, but I’m always really bad doing photograph tags because I’m so lazy!! I surprised myself doing this one, because Crystal and Musume tagged me yesterday~ so fast 😀

  2. Irene

    Yay! The outfits look so good on your dollies, I’m glad they fit as I don’t have much experience buying YoSD sized things! ~
    (It was funny you mentioned those shoes, as I had already ordered those before you talked about them in your blog! Scaryyy coincidence!)

    Ashes is so adorable, I’d love to see photos of him together with your other dollies!

    1. Fantasywoods Post author

      The outfits suit them perfectly :D! And the fit is really nice~ They also fit my bluefairy tiny as well~
      What a lucky coincidence though!!! Great minds think alike x)! Thanks for everything~
      I’m glad you like Ashes, I want to paint him as soon as the weather allows me to do so, I want to take so many photos!

  3. Alasse Carnesir

    Irene is always so nice and she has such a great eye for gifts. That is a pretty awesome surprise parcel! And those outfits are so adorable. I love seeing both of your dolls in these but had to admit to doing a bit of squeeing, just a little at Faolan dressed in that.

    I’m glad you posted the original. I sometimes dislike how IG crops photos when you upload to that. I like this shot a lot. The B&W gives this great atmosphere, serious and thoughtful and even Ashes looks thoughtful and contemplative.

    1. Fantasywoods Post author

      I totally agree with you about Irene!! And I did squee seeing Faolan like that too!! I even went to my brother to show it to him because it looked just so perfect! He needs his own photoshoot dressed like that 🙂

      Instagram has got better, before you could only upload square images, but it still crops images a bit. I like this photo way better like this! I think Ashes is thinking about what’s for dinner haha 😀

  4. Safir

    Oh my those cat outfits are so cute! ♥ I had to search for them from Taobao after seeing your pictures XD Now my girls want them too…

    Love your B&W photo :3 I’ve been tagged to do that a few times too, hope I have some time later (been busy with catching Pokémon…)

    1. Fantasywoods Post author

      You should totally get the outfits!! They are the cutest ~
      Thanks!!! Oh I’ve seen all about your Pokemon adventure XD!!! I have a friend that bought a better phone just to play it when they release it here too hahaha ~ Keep enjoying the game, your dolls won’t run anywhere in the meantime :D!


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