Hi all!! I wanted to share all the photos I took in November before it’s too late. The plan was to do it last week, but Himeno arrived so I decided to post about her instead.
Most photos you have already seen in other posts, but I still want to have them all in one entry, and maybe if I keep doing monthly logs with them, I can then compare every year photos myself.
Maya was my first subject this month. I loved her in this brown set so much!

Nina was next, I found some dried grass and I liked the color. My plan was to use a blue dress I have for her, but it needs ironing and my iron died so I went with the next better option.
Another shot from the same day.
And then I found a better location that I thought it was perfect for Maya, wearing the same outfit as before, that much I loved it!. I love how this photo turned out! Fun fact: the shadow covering Maya is my sister’s leg hahaha. It was too sunny to shoot!

And of course, Mickey’s Anniversary photo!
After that, all my Christmas photos began! Yes, this early! I really want to make a cool Xmas photo, so I’ve been crafting a lot, and trying things out in photos. I loved this set up.
And then I tried my door and Christmas socks with Sahra too.
And that’s it for today. Hope you have an incredible week!
Wonderful photos Alejandra. Now tell me what you think of Momoko dolls . . . I keep looking at them, but am yet to see a decent review.
Big hugs,
Hahaha! Momokos are a treat! They don’t have great posing capabilities, but oh boy, do they look great even just standing still! I love their faces and how natural they look whenever I photograph them. They come with a body made by petworks, so it’s different than ruruko’s. I have naked body shots here: http://fantasywoods.net/the-surprise-attack-of-the-pure-neemos/
Momokos are VERY light weight. The face is soft and the body is hard plastic, but weights almost nothing.
Let me know if you have any other question about them.
Even though I’ve seen the photos before, I still enjoy seeing them again. I really love how you’ve decided to approach your photo taking and I love all the little props and attention to detail. I don’t mind at all if you want to put them in a single blog post every month. It’s nice to see them all together as well. And of course, you know I always look forward to what new adventures your dolls are getting up to.
I’m so happy you have been liking the photos, I’ve been liking them too! I’m trying to get into more details with my backgrounds, little by little. Hope next year will see an increase in tiny props 😀 I already started to stock up hehehe thank you for that!
Wonderful photos! I love love love your photo of Nina, but you already know that XD She’s such a stunning doll <3
Thanks!! Nina is the best <3
I like your diorama so I’m delighted every time I see new props or decorations.
I’m thinking of making 1/6 diorama myself however wood flooring seems the hardest part.
Oh yes, Momoko is like a cherry on top. ^.^
Thanks, I’m glad you liked them. I have an easy tutorial on how to make wood flooring if you are interested: http://fantasywoods.net/how-to-hardwood-floor-for-dioramas/
After that post I’ve done 2 more floors, with the exception that this time I used l\all purpose clear glue and also glued all the tapes together, no gaps in between. I like both results though.
All floors in my dioramas are one of the 4 I’ve done with that tape in different colors.
I love to watch your photos. Even for the second (third and fourth…) time. 🙂
My personal favourite is second photo of Nina. I love it.
Thanks, that’s sweet of you. Nina always looks great, no matter what!
Lovely photos! Enjoyed them all!
Thank you!!
I just discovered your photos, and plan on going through them all very soon. But for now, having seen these, I just wanted to say how lovely they all are. You have a great collection of dolls and you take really good photos of them, really bringing them to life.
Big hugs xx
I’m happy you like them! I’ve been really having fun with it 🙂
I love dolls in nature. They look so at peace and calm.
Very beautiful, but all of them! (And I am especially in love with the Mickey Mouse one!)
My Mickey Mouse didn’t get that much attention on Flickr or Instagram, but that often happens with all my favorite photos haha 😀